Category: General

Math Resources


Dear York Catholic District School Board Families,

The YCDSB Curriculum and Assessment Department has created the third of an ongoing bi-annual newsletter for families highlighting resources, tips, and activities that can be used at home to promote mathematics learning and facilitate mathematics discussions between students and parents/guardians. Please see the link for further information


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This Week at St. Kateri Tekakwitha CES (Oct 14 to 18)

Thanksgiving Dinner Prayer

Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day, we bow our hearts to You and pray.

 We give You thanks for all You’ve done, especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son.

 For beauty in nature, Your glory we see, for joy and health, friends, and family.

                                                              ... Continue reading "This Week at St. Kateri Tekakwitha CES (Oct 14 to 18)"

Catholic School Council News 2024/24

Dear St. Kateri Tekakwitha Families, We are excited to announce the results of the recent elections for our 2024 – 2025 Catholic School Council! Thank you to everyone who participated and showed their support for our candidates. EXECUTIVE: