Catholic Education Week – Wednesday

Restore / Rétablir

One of the central themes of Laudato Si’ is the interdependence of all creatures how deeply we are all interconnected. The challenges we have faced over the last couple of years have impacted our relationships with our families, friends, schoolmates, and nature, some of which were strengthened, and some of which suffered from the time apart. How have we or can we restore these relationships?


“The God of all grace will restore, support, strengthen, and establish you.” 1 Pt. 5:10

“Le Dieu de toute grâce (…) vous rétablira lui-même, vous affermira, vous fortifiera, vous rendra inébranlables.” 1P5, 10

Being Catholic, means we usually gather as a community of faith on Sunday’s. Over the last few years we have had to adjust how we celebrate the Eucharist together as a community of faith.  Let us pause and reflect on today’s sub theme:Restoring Relationships / Rétablir nos relations

Wednesday, May 4, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. EST. All students, families, Board staff, trustees, and the broader Catholic community are invited to participate “virtually” in this celebration of the Eucharist by clicking on the following link at the scheduled time:

Book List:


The Cool Bean

By: Jory John & Pete Oswald


You Hold Me Up

By: Monique Gray Smith & Danielle Daniel


When We Were Alone

By: David A. Robertson


Just for Today

By: Saint John XXIII


Family Activity: 

  • Do some research as a family on the night sky. Choose a moment when it is clear to see if you can identify some constellations.
  • Movies to watch as a family:Toy Story (1995)


Social Media Challenge: Please tweet us at @SKTA_YCDSB using the #CEW2022 #RebuildRestoreRenew  Write a postcard or note of thanks/or a Tweet for frontline healthcare workers and drop this in the mailbox for a local hospital. Please feel free to tweet us a copy of your post card or note @SKTA_YCDSB using the #CEW2022 #RebuildRestoreRenew.  Please take a couple minutes and listen and reflect on the words in this powerful song: Where my shall Fail  by Oceans   


Mental Health Activity:

Please tweet us at @SKTA_YCDSB using the #CEW2022 #RebuildRestoreRenew