Catholic Education Week

May 1 to May 6, 2022

Catholic Education:  Rebuild, Renew, Restore  Together/

L’Éducation Catholique:  Rebâtir, Rétablir, Renouveler Ensemble

“Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5)

«Voici que je fais toutes choses nouvelles.» (Apocalypse 21,5)


During the week of May1 to May 6, 2022, the York Catholic District School Board will celebrate the significant contribution that Catholic Education has made to the community, the province and to Canada. Our Catholic Graduate Expectations challenge students to articulate in society those fundamental values that underpin Catholic education.

Catholic Education Week Prayer


God of Grace,

Help us to rediscover how to be side by side

in rebuilding our communities of faith and learning.

Help us restore harmony and balance in our relationships,

and renew our desire to approach challenges confidently and with peaceful hearts.

May we always rejoice in recognizing the blessings our lives hold.


Dieu de grâce,

aide-nous à redécouvrir comment vivre les uns avec les autres,

afin de rebâtir nos communautés de foi et d’apprentissage.

Aide-nous à rétablir l’équilibre et l’harmonie dans nos relations

et viens renouveler notre volonté d’aborder les défis avec confiance et un cœur paisible.

Puissions-nous toujours nous réjouir en reconnaissant ta bonté dans notre vie.



Naadmowshinaang wii-aanji-mkamaang wiiji-nokiindiwin

Wii-aanji-zhitowaang ndazhiikewininaan wii-debwe’endamaang miinwaa wii-gkendamaang.

Naadmowshinaang wii-aanji-debnamaang mino-wiijiindiwin miinwaa wii-mino-dibaabaamdamaang wiijgaabwitaadiwinan,

Miinwaa wii-aanjtowaang nimisawendamowininaan weweni ji-nkweshkamaang maanendamowinan

Begish naa pane ji-moozhgendmaang nsadwaamdamaang miingwewziwinan etemgag nbimaadziwininaang.

The theme for Catholic Education Week 2022 was inspired by the following considerations:

  • In the face of the continuing reality of the COVID-19 pandemic, a strong desire by the planning committee, and supported by feedback from the survey, the themes for Catholic Education Weeks 2020 and 2021, were Igniting Hope and Nurturing Hope, and all we know for certain is that there will be much to Rebuild, Restore and Renew together in 2022.
  • The challenges to personal and spiritual well-being posed by the uncertainty and physical isolation of the current global crisis makes the timing and the concerns of Mental Health Week, which takes place during the same week as Catholic Education Week, all the more relevant. • Ongoing recognition of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and the relevance of Indigenous culture and spirituality will continue to move us forward. 
  • The Ministry of Education’s focus on Inclusion and Equity resonates with all educators and administrators as we desire to serve all of God’s children and Pope Francis’ encyclical entitled, Fratelli Tutti, will guide us in this good work.