Catholic Education Week – Monday


Rediscover / Redécouvrir 

Good morning St. Kateri,

Preparing the soil for planting involves finding remnants of what has happened to the land before. In the same way, we look back to what has been learned and what has been lost during the past couple of years and what we have all shared. Part of that may have even been rediscovering the beauty in gardening. The garden reminds us of the original garden, the many creation stories told by different communities, and the blessings of the earth that is our common home.


“I have found the coin that I lost.” Lk. 15:9b

“Réjouissez-vous avec moi, car j’ai retroé la pièce d’argent que j’avais perdue!” Lc 1uv5, 9b


We hope that you and your family are safe and healthy. As we start this first week of May, we are so lucky to have a chance to celebrate our ability to attend a school that not only allows our students to become critical thinkers in subjects like Math, Language and French. We also are afforded the opportunity to gather as a community and further our understanding of our faith! This year’s theme is:Rebuild, Renew, Restore  Together. Each day has a sub theme; today is Rediscover / Redécouvrir


Book List:


The Night Gardener

By: The Fan Brothers


The Darkest Dark

By: Chris Hadfield


Sincerely Emerson

By: Emerson Weber


Go Show the World

By: Wab Kinew

Family Activity:

  •  Have a family garden planning party. Draw out the plot of the garden and order seeds or buy them at the grocery store. Research when seeds need to be planted in preparation for spring. 
  • Movies to watch as a family: Charlotte’s Web (2006), Nanny McPhee (2005)

Social Media Challenge: Please tweet us at @SKTA_YCDSB using the #CEW2022 #RebuildRestoreRenew  Look in your bible or go online to make a list of psalms that inspire you to rediscover, restore and rebuild. Feel free to tweet us that psalm or quote @SKTA_YCDSB using the #CEW2022 #RebuildRestoreRenew   Please make time in your busy day to step back and listen and reflect on the words in this powerful song: Living Hope  by Phil Wikham .


Mental Health Activity:Mental Health Check-in