This week our school will have the opportunity to gather virtually to celebrate Black Heritage Month led by our Gr. 4 class. This will provide our students an opportunity to further their learning of the contributions of Black Canadians both past and present. This virtual presentation will continue to build on the shared learning that we have done daily in February and will continue to do so as a school going forward.

We also look forward to D.O. Gibson’s presentation to our students and staff on March 4, 2022. His presentation will be the second part to the conference that our school was part of on February 8, 2022.


Intermediate Divisional News

Tuesday all of the Grade 8’s will be participating in reenactments of some of the battles they learned about in Grade 7 (Battle of York, Plains of Abraham, Battle of Chateauguay). They will extend their understanding of these pivotal moments in Canadian history and consider the roles of First Nations, the British and French in these battles.


Parents For Excellence Fundraising Event at SKTA

Thank you to all of our families for giving so generously to our school fundraiser.

If you have not already had a chance to review the details of the fundraiser, please find attached documents for details about our schools major fundraiser for the 2021/2022 school year.

St. Kateri Donation Fundraiser 2021-2022 Letter to Parents.pdf

Fundraiser Flyer Feb 2021-2022.pdf

Fundraiser Prizes 2021-2022.pdf


Daily Covid Screening 

Students need to continue to confirm they’ve completed and passed their daily self-screening every day they attend school  in person.  Students  must complete the Provincial Screening Tool followed by the Daily Screening Confirmation Form.  We would ask our Parents/Guardians to sign the form and return it to school with their child daily.

Please consult the following site if you and your families are considering traveling:


Carnaval @ SKTA – please see the attached letter.

Theme Days:

Tuesday, February 22 – Scarf Day (wear your favorite scarf in class)

Wednesday, February 23 – Pink Shirt Day (Wear something pink/ purple to stand up to bullying together)

Thursday, February 24 – Fun in the Sun Day (Wear your sunglasses, sunhat and appropriate sun wear.)

Friday, February 25 – Carnaval Hat or Hair Day (Wear your most outrageous hairstyle or hat)

Parent/Staff Carnaval Letter SKTA 2022

Reminder to Parents and Guardians,

If you haven’t had the chance to complete the Shrove Tuesday Google form that can be located on your child’s classroom teacher VLE. These forms will be closed on Tuesday at 9 am. If you have already completed the form no further action is needed.

Dates to keep in your calendars for future events:

February 22 to 25       Carnaval Week Daily Themes 

February 23, 2022       Pink Shirt Day

March 1, 2022           Shrove Tuesday at SKTA

March 2, 2022           Ash Wednesday Mass (Virtual)

March 4, 2022           Black Heritage Month Presentation Part 2

March 14-18, 2022     March Break