This Week at St. Kateri Tekakwitha C.E.S.    

January 23, 2022,

Catholic School Council News  (Rescheduled from January 17th)

The Catholic School Council tab on our school website contains information regarding the council minutes, meeting agendas, and its members. The webpage can be accessed from the following link.  (

This year our Catholic School Council meetings will be held live-streamed using our Google Calendar platform.  The Livestream link for all our meetings will be posted on our school website.  Our next meeting is Monday, January 24, 2022 @ 7pm: (Live Stream)

Daily Covid Screening 

Students need to confirm they completed and passed their daily self-screening every day they attend school/work in person.  Students  must complete the Provincial Screening Tool followed by the Daily Screening Confirmation FormParents are to sign the form and return it to school with their child daily.  Teachers will then make sure the form goes home again at the end of the day.  This back and forth process will continue until further notice. 

Attention Grade 8 Families

Our School Photographer will be at St. Kateri Tekakwitha on February 2, 2022 to take our Grade 8 Graduation Photos.  Students who are currently utilizing the temporary remote learning option will be scheduled for the same day at the school.



3D Printer to be used by the Intermediate Division

We are excited to announce that our Intermediate division is participating in the YCDSB 3D printer borrowing program. This program offers students an opportunity to learn how to work and program a 3D printer. The students will be using a Dremel Digilab 3D45 printer. This unique learning opportunity will help further develop our students’ global competencies. We are so excited to see what our students create utilizing the Dremel Digilab 3D45 printer.


Mental Health Support for Families 

The link below is  for parents on how to support and address their children who don’t attend school. I will also link on our resource list on the website

Stand Up to Depression group flyer with grade 7 & 8 families via newsletter or ycdsb student mental health site

mental health resource list


Websites with more great mental health information:


Dates to keep in your calendars for future events:

January 24, 2022   CSC Meeting @7pm

January 26, 2022   Bell Let’s Talk Day (Virtual School Assembly)

February 1, 2022   Lunar New Year

February 2, 2022   Graduation Photo Day

February 4, 2022   PA Day

February 8, 2022   Report Cards on Portal