This Week at St. Kateri Tekakwitha C.E.S. – January 16

Option to temporarily switch to remote learning for remainder of First Term

As previously communicated on December 31, 2021, families may choose a temporary option for students wishing to learn from home for the remainder of the first term.

If families make this choice, classroom teachers will provide live synchronous learning in Math, Religion and Languages through their virtual classrooms. They will also post asynchronous work for all other subjects and will check in with students from time to time during the school day to support their learning. These check-ins will also take place through the teacher’s virtual classroom.


Please note Parents and Guardians:

 The first check-in each day will be at the start of school to include taking attendance and morning announcements. It is important that students are online in their virtual classrooms at the start of each day (and after lunch) or they will be marked absent.

There is no need to notify the school if your child will be temporarily remote. Schools will be aware of your choice through our child’s attendance, either in person or in their virtual Classroom.


Please note Parents and Guardians:

 The first check-in each day will be at the start of school to include taking attendance and morning announcements. It is important that students are online in their virtual classrooms at the start of each day (and after lunch) or they will be marked absent.

There is no need to notify the school if your child will be temporarily remote. Schools will be aware of your choice through our child’s attendance, either in person or in their virtual Classroom.


Permanent Switch in Learning Modality for Second Term

A communication will be sent to families this week with an update on how to request a permanent switch in learning modality (in-person or remote) for the Second Term.

Daily Covid Screening 

Students need to confirm they completed and passed their daily self-screening every day they attend school/work in person.  Students  must complete the Provincial Screening Tool followed by the Daily Screening Confirmation FormParents are to sign the form and return it to school with their child daily.  Teachers will then make sure the form goes home again at the end of the day.  This back and forth process will continue until further notice.


Students experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 must not attend school and should follow the guidance provided in the screening tool, which may include seeking appropriate medical attention as required, and/or getting tested for COVID-19. Visitors to a school are required to perform a COVID-19 self-screening before arriving at school using the provincial Screening Tool and must sign in upon arrival at the school. Sign in sheets must include space for visitors to confirm daily screening was performed.

If a student develops symptoms of COVID-19 while at school they will be removed from class and parents/caregivers will be contacted immediately to pick up the student. Effective January 2022, PCR self-collection kits are to be provided to individual symptomatic elementary students with symptoms most commonly associated with COVID-19. As staff members are required to isolate with increased cases of COVID-19, schools may encounter challenges obtaining replacement coverage. Please be aware that there may be occasions when classrooms or schools are required to switch to fully remote from in-person learning for a period of time. Schools will notify families as soon as possible when this is the case.  Starting in January, temporarily permitting only low-contact indoor sports and safe extra-curricular activities. The  Government of Ontario announced changes to public health measures, including informing people what to do if they believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 at


Rapid Antigen Tests

Prior to the Christmas break, the Ministry of Education provided one (1) box of Rapid Antigen Tests for each student attending school in-person. If families still have some of these tests remaining, they are encouraged to use them for students before returning to school on Monday, and to stay home if the student receives a positive test result. 


Mask wearing at St. Kateri Tekakwitha C.E.S.

When schools reopen to students on January 17, 2022, our students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be required to wear a mask to school. Please take a moment to review the proper procedure for donning and doffing a mask. A short video has been included for convenience.  Mask wearing – Don and Doff a mask 



As the winter weather approaches we wanted to update you regarding our Inclement Weather procedure for the 2021/2022 school year.

Once again this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Inclement Weather procedures will be based on direction from York Region Public Health. 

Public Health has advised that class cohorts cannot be combined for any reason. During inclement weather days in the past, it was necessary to combine classes due to reduced staffing levels. This practice is not permitted under current Public Health guidance. 

As a result, in the event buses are cancelled due to inclement weather:

  • All schools will be closed. Students cannot come to school.
  • Student learning will pivot to asynchronous remote learning. This means students will work on tasks previously assigned such as long term projects or spend time reviewing material previously covered. 
  • No new work will be assigned.  
  • Tests, quizzes and in-person parent meetings will be cancelled and rescheduled.
  • B&A programs will not run. 
  • Child Care Centres may remain open at the discretion of the operator.

In our effort to ensure equity and inclusion, students will not be assigned new work, given that many students will not have a device to learn remotely.

As a reminder, the decision to cancel school transportation service is region-wide, meaning all school buses, vans and taxis will not be operating. 

The decision will be made by 6 am in the morning and will be communicated to all standard media outlets, posted on the Board website and Twitter account, as well as updated on the SchoolBusCity website and hotline 1.877.330.3001.

Just a reminder about our lunch routines at school

Students may go home for lunch when they return to school they are expected to complete the Covid screening protocols once again. Students who remain at school will eat lunch and snacks in their classrooms with their own cohort. Parents/guardians are not allowed to drop off lunches/snacks during the school day. 


For more information on the protocols and procedures in place for this school year,  parents are welcome to visit the following link:


Kiss-N-Ride/ Bus Information:  

We would kindly ask parents and guardians to park their car if they wish to escort their child(ren) to the gates of the school playground. All other parents using the Kiss and Ride are asked to proceed past the pylons in the lot and pull over to the curb to drop off their child(ren) in front of the FDK yard.


Elementary March Break Program

March Break Innovation Camps

  • Colours and Coding for Primary Grades 1 – 3
  • STREAM Kids Program – Grades 4 – 8

Registration is now open.  Click HERE for more information.


Catholic School Council News 

The Catholic School Council tab on our school website contains information regarding the council minutes, meeting agendas, and its members. The webpage can be accessed from the following link.  (

This year our Catholic School Council meetings will be held live-streamed using our Google Calendar platform.  The Livestream link for all our meetings will be posted on our school website.  Our next meeting is Monday,January 17, 2022 @ 7pm: 

Please use the following link if you would like to join the live streamed meeting: CSC Meeting


Loaned Technology Devices       

If your family borrowed a Chromebook or iPad to access their child teacher’s virtual classroom during the closure, would you kindly send the device back to school on Monday, January 17th.


 Device Distribution Agreement. 


Mental Health Support for Families 

The link below is  for parents on how to support and address their children who don’t attend school. I will also link on our resource list on the website

Stand Up to Depression group flyer with grade 7 & 8 families via newsletter or ycdsb student mental health site

mental health resource list


Websites with more great mental health information:




Dates to keep in your calendars for future events:

January 14, 2022   PA Day

January 17, 2022   CSC Meeting @7pm

January 26, 2022   Bell Let’s Talk Day (Virtual School Assembly)

February 2, 2022   Graduation Photo Day

February 4, 20222 PA Day